Configure SNMP on Citrix XenServer 6.x
I love Cacti and use it all the time to monitor my system performance. Here are the few steps needed to turn SNMP on with in your Citrix XenServer hosts. This document assumes you already have Performance Monitoring Enhancements Pack for XenServer, SNMP, and Cacti already installed and functioning on your network.
- Edit: /etc/sysconfig/iptables
Add the following lines AFTER the line “-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -p udp –dport 5353 -d -j ACCEPT”
-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -p udp --dport 161 -j ACCEPT
-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -p udp --dport 162 -j ACCEPT - Execute: service iptables restart
- Edit: /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf
Replace the community with your current SNMP community if you have one.
# source community
com2sec notConfigUser default public - Execute: chkconfig snmpd on
- Execute: service snmpd restart
- Test from another host: snmpwalk -v 2c -c public
Note, replace public with your SNMP community!
Citrix XenServer Designate New Pool Master
Most of the time you don’t need to change the XenServer pool master but if need to do maintenance it will require you to move the pool master to another host.
Make sure HA is disabled before proceeding if you are using it. This can be done via xencenter.
xe pool-ha-disable
Find the UUID of the host you want to nominate as the new pool master
xe host-list
Use this command to set the new pool master with the UUID from step 2
xe pool-designate-new-master host-uuid=<uuid>
Re-enable HA if needed. This can be done via xencenter as well.
xe pool-ha-
How To Ask Questions The Smart Way
Just doing some light reading today and ran across “How To Ask Questions The Smart Way” by Eric Steven Raymond. I read this years ago, an instructor in college had us read through the whole thing. Of course I forgot all about it and now it’s a new gem I’ll reference now and again. Pay attention to the When You Ask section, I think it lays out each pretty well.
How To Ask Questions The Smart Way
Citrix XenServer 6.1 – XenServer Tools out of date (version 6.0 installed)
Recently we upgraded our XenServer resource pool to 6.1 because the new feature allowing you to do live migration of VDI’s sounds unreal. I still get amazed that this stuff works, well most of the time. Now we are having issues with XenTools reporting to be out of date in XenCenter, I see the message:
XenServer Tools out of date (version 6.0 installed)
Great, I’ll just pop the XenTools CD in, uninstall the old version, and install the new version. Nope, that does not work. Instead it makes the issues worst, as you try and reboot the system but XenServer never figures out the server is shutdown and you end up having to do vm-reset-powerstate or even destroy the domain. Either way this sucks.
Citrix just updated it’s XenServer blog yesterday acknowledging the issues with XenTools is real and they will try and fix their processes. And they are right, this sort of thing really does hurt your confidence in the system. And we all know virtualization is built on confidence.
Now here is the real place to get all the info on what needs to happen. It’s a two part update, first you need to apply hot fix XS61E009 and then XS61E010. Then you have the fun of updating XenTools. But lots of work non the less when you have 10s, 100s, 1000s of VMs.
If you run in to blue screen on Windows while installing the new XenTools from the XS61E010… I know more issues?? If you can get into safe mode to remove xentools from the machine and reinstall, that may work. Other wise you can try looking yup your VMs UUID and changing the device ID. This may work if your VM does not get the correct device ID set during the new xentools install. Use this command:
xe vm-param-set uuid=<vm_uuid>
xe vm-param-set uuid=<vm_uuid>
Daily Show Lays Out the Michigan Bridge to Canada
I love the Daily Show and normally I don’t repost videos from them but this is just gold. I can’t believe how easy the rich can control TV viewers. Great job daily show, you hit the nail on the head with this one.
Citrix XenServer System Recovery Guide
I found this white paper from the early days of XenServer. I think it’s worth a once over as most of the information and logic remain valid. The flow chart of recovery steps makes it look pretty simple and can maybe help someone out of a jam. This is definitely something you want in your disaster recovery plan!
XenServer System Recovery Guide
Orignal source:
SMSTools GSM Equipment and Network Error Codes
At work I’ve got a Nagios server setup to send text messages to my phone on critical notifications. Lately something has been happening that causes sms notifications to fail.
In smsd.log I find that I get the follow error message:
+CME ERROR: 515 (device busy)
As root I’m able to reset the modem by doing this:
/bin/echo "AT+CFUN=1" > /dev/ttyUSB0
/etc/init.d/smstools restart
GSM Equipment related codes
Error | Description |
CME ERROR: 0 | Phone failure |
CME ERROR: 1 | No connection to phone |
CME ERROR: 2 | Phone adapter link reserved |
CME ERROR: 3 | Operation not allowed |
CME ERROR: 4 | Operation not supported |
CME ERROR: 5 | PH_SIM PIN required |
CME ERROR: 6 | PH_FSIM PIN required |
CME ERROR: 7 | PH_FSIM PUK required |
CME ERROR: 10 | SIM not inserted |
CME ERROR: 11 | SIM PIN required |
CME ERROR: 12 | SIM PUK required |
CME ERROR: 13 | SIM failure |
CME ERROR: 14 | SIM busy |
CME ERROR: 15 | SIM wrong |
CME ERROR: 16 | Incorrect password |
CME ERROR: 17 | SIM PIN2 required |
CME ERROR: 18 | SIM PUK2 required |
CME ERROR: 20 | Memory full |
CME ERROR: 21 | Invalid index |
CME ERROR: 22 | Not found |
CME ERROR: 23 | Memory failure |
CME ERROR: 24 | Text string too long |
CME ERROR: 25 | Invalid characters in text string |
CME ERROR: 26 | Dial string too long |
CME ERROR: 27 | Invalid characters in dial string |
CME ERROR: 30 | No network service |
CME ERROR: 31 | Network timeout |
CME ERROR: 32 | Network not allowed, emergency calls only |
CME ERROR: 40 | Network personalization PIN required |
CME ERROR: 41 | Network personalization PUK required |
CME ERROR: 42 | Network subset personalization PIN required |
CME ERROR: 43 | Network subset personalization PUK required |
CME ERROR: 44 | Service provider personalization PIN required |
CME ERROR: 45 | Service provider personalization PUK required |
CME ERROR: 46 | Corporate personalization PIN required |
CME ERROR: 47 | Corporate personalization PUK required |
CME ERROR: 48 | PH-SIM PUK required |
CME ERROR: 100 | Unknown error |
CME ERROR: 103 | Illegal MS |
CME ERROR: 106 | Illegal ME |
CME ERROR: 107 | GPRS services not allowed |
CME ERROR: 111 | PLMN not allowed |
CME ERROR: 112 | Location area not allowed |
CME ERROR: 113 | Roaming not allowed in this location area |
CME ERROR: 126 | Operation temporary not allowed |
CME ERROR: 132 | Service operation not supported |
CME ERROR: 133 | Requested service option not subscribed |
CME ERROR: 134 | Service option temporary out of order |
CME ERROR: 148 | Unspecified GPRS error |
CME ERROR: 149 | PDP authentication failure |
CME ERROR: 150 | Invalid mobile class |
CME ERROR: 256 | Operation temporarily not allowed |
CME ERROR: 257 | Call barred |
CME ERROR: 258 | Phone is busy |
CME ERROR: 259 | User abort |
CME ERROR: 260 | Invalid dial string |
CME ERROR: 261 | SS not executed |
CME ERROR: 262 | SIM Blocked |
CME ERROR: 263 | Invalid block |
CME ERROR: 772 | SIM powered down |
GSM Network related codes:
Error | Description |
CMS ERROR: 1 | Unassigned number |
CMS ERROR: 8 | Operator determined barring |
CMS ERROR: 10 | Call bared |
CMS ERROR: 21 | Short message transfer rejected |
CMS ERROR: 27 | Destination out of service |
CMS ERROR: 28 | Unindentified subscriber |
CMS ERROR: 29 | Facility rejected |
CMS ERROR: 30 | Unknown subscriber |
CMS ERROR: 38 | Network out of order |
CMS ERROR: 41 | Temporary failure |
CMS ERROR: 42 | Congestion |
CMS ERROR: 47 | Recources unavailable |
CMS ERROR: 50 | Requested facility not subscribed |
CMS ERROR: 69 | Requested facility not implemented |
CMS ERROR: 81 | Invalid short message transfer reference value |
CMS ERROR: 95 | Invalid message unspecified |
CMS ERROR: 96 | Invalid mandatory information |
CMS ERROR: 97 | Message type non existent or not implemented |
CMS ERROR: 98 | Message not compatible with short message protocol |
CMS ERROR: 99 | Information element non-existent or not implemente |
CMS ERROR: 111 | Protocol error, unspecified |
CMS ERROR: 127 | Internetworking , unspecified |
CMS ERROR: 128 | Telematic internetworking not supported |
CMS ERROR: 129 | Short message type 0 not supported |
CMS ERROR: 130 | Cannot replace short message |
CMS ERROR: 143 | Unspecified TP-PID error |
CMS ERROR: 144 | Data code scheme not supported |
CMS ERROR: 145 | Message class not supported |
CMS ERROR: 159 | Unspecified TP-DCS error |
CMS ERROR: 160 | Command cannot be actioned |
CMS ERROR: 161 | Command unsupported |
CMS ERROR: 175 | Unspecified TP-Command error |
CMS ERROR: 176 | TPDU not supported |
CMS ERROR: 192 | SC busy |
CMS ERROR: 193 | No SC subscription |
CMS ERROR: 194 | SC System failure |
CMS ERROR: 195 | Invalid SME address |
CMS ERROR: 196 | Destination SME barred |
CMS ERROR: 197 | SM Rejected-Duplicate SM |
CMS ERROR: 198 | TP-VPF not supported |
CMS ERROR: 199 | TP-VP not supported |
CMS ERROR: 208 | D0 SIM SMS Storage full |
CMS ERROR: 209 | No SMS Storage capability in SIM |
CMS ERROR: 210 | Error in MS |
CMS ERROR: 211 | Memory capacity exceeded |
CMS ERROR: 212 | Sim application toolkit busy |
CMS ERROR: 213 | SIM data download error |
CMS ERROR: 255 | Unspecified error cause |
CMS ERROR: 300 | ME Failure |
CMS ERROR: 301 | SMS service of ME reserved |
CMS ERROR: 302 | Operation not allowed |
CMS ERROR: 303 | Operation not supported |
CMS ERROR: 304 | Invalid PDU mode parameter |
CMS ERROR: 305 | Invalid Text mode parameter |
CMS ERROR: 310 | SIM not inserted |
CMS ERROR: 311 | SIM PIN required |
CMS ERROR: 312 | PH-SIM PIN required |
CMS ERROR: 313 | SIM failure |
CMS ERROR: 314 | SIM busy |
CMS ERROR: 315 | SIM wrong |
CMS ERROR: 316 | SIM PUK required |
CMS ERROR: 317 | SIM PIN2 required |
CMS ERROR: 318 | SIM PUK2 required |
CMS ERROR: 320 | Memory failure |
CMS ERROR: 321 | Invalid memory index |
CMS ERROR: 322 | Memory full |
CMS ERROR: 330 | SMSC address unknown |
CMS ERROR: 331 | No network service |
CMS ERROR: 332 | Network timeout |
CMS ERROR: 340 | No +CNMA expected |
CMS ERROR: 500 | Unknown error |
CMS ERROR: 512 | User abort |
CMS ERROR: 513 | Unable to store |
CMS ERROR: 514 | Invalid Status |
CMS ERROR: 515 | Device busy or Invalid Character in string |
CMS ERROR: 516 | Invalid length |
CMS ERROR: 517 | Invalid character in PDU |
CMS ERROR: 518 | Invalid parameter |
CMS ERROR: 519 | Invalid length or character |
CMS ERROR: 520 | Invalid character in text |
CMS ERROR: 521 | Timer expired |
CMS ERROR: 522 | Operation temporary not allowed |
CMS ERROR: 532 | SIM not ready |
CMS ERROR: 534 | Cell Broadcast error unknown |
CMS ERROR: 535 | Protocol stack busy |
CMS ERROR: 538 | Invalid parameter |
Citrix XenServer Error: VDI is not Available
Error: Starting VM ” – The VDI is not available
So you’re now trying to boot a VM in XenServer but you are getting the error “VDI is not Available”. This means that VM crashed, Xen Host crashed, or something just bad happen. Either way you need your server back.
- Find the UUID of the VDI in question.
xe vdi-list - Note exactly what UUID maps to which drive is on your server. This is going to remove the VDI from the VM so we can reattach it correctly. So drive order does matter, you don’t want to switch an OS VDI with a data VDI.
xe vdi-forget uuid=<VDI UUID we found in step 1> - Open XenCenter and navigate to the SR with your VDI. Hit rescan
- Now goto your VM with issues and attach the VDI via the storage tab
- Boot your VM
Install Dell Openmanage on Citrix XenServer for Nagios checks
Like any good sysadmin, you want to know if anything is happening to your Dell hardware at any given moment. Here is what I did to get Dell Openmanage installed in Citrix XenServer 5.6, 6.0, and 6.1. Once openmanage is installed and working, you can then have Nagios ssh into the Xenserver host and run a check (this maybe covered in another post).
- I now send you on a quest. Head to the dell website and start searching for the software. Get something named “Dell OpenManage Server Administrator Managed Node (Distribution Specific)” or also called “OpenManage Supplemental Pack” or “OpenManage Server Administrator Managed Node” or “OM-SrvAdmin-Dell-Web-LX-7.1.0-5304.XenServer60_A00.iso” or this link?
- Transfer the iso to your xenserver host via scp.
mount –o loop <openmanange-supplemental-pack-filename>.iso /mnt
cd /mnt
/etc/init.d/dataeng start
- Logout and back in and this command should work:
omreport storage pdisk controller=0
/usr/sbin/useradd nagios
passwd nagios
cd /home/nagios
mkdir .ssh
- Now we need to generate or install a ssh key for Nagios to login without a password. Here is how you would generate one:
ssh-keygen -t dsa -b 1024 -f .ssh/id_dsa
cat .ssh/ >> .ssh/authorized_keys chown -R nagios:nagios .ssh
chmod 750 .ssh
chmod 640 .ssh/*
mkdir bin
chown -R nagios:nagios bin
chmod 750 bin
- Get the nagios check script, this will be excuted by Nagios when it logins via ssh
tar -xzvf check_openmanage-3.7.3.tar.gz
cp check_openmanage-3.7.3/check_openmanage bin/
- If you are running Xenserver 6 or higher, you will need to run this command
chmod o+rx /
- Log into your Nagios server
- Copy ssh id_dsa/.pub to nagios server, in nagios’s ~/.ssh
- Test logging in without a password
- Setup nagios checks (I plan posting this someone day)
Helpful links: