How To Add A Static Route To NetApp Data OnTap

Use this command to add a static route for this network to use the gateway

route add net 1

You must also update /etc/rc because you will lose this route on a reboot.  /etc/rc gets read at boot and sets up your network settings.

Use this command to read the file

rdfile /etc/rc

Copy all the text that it outputs.  Add your route command under your default gateway.  It should look something like this:

hostname netapp01
ifgrp create lacp ifgrp1 -b ip e0a e0b e0c e0d 
vlan create ifgrp1 3001 3002 3000
ifconfig ifgrp1-3001 `hostname`-ifgrp1-3001 netmask partner ifgrp1-3001 mtusize 1500 -wins
ifconfig ifgrp1-3002 `hostname`-ifgrp1-3002 netmask partner ifgrp1-3002 mtusize 1500 -wins
ifconfig ifgrp1-3000 `hostname`-ifgrp1-3000 netmask partner ifgrp1-3000 mtusize 1500 -wins
route add default 1
route add net 1
routed on
options dns.domainname
options dns.enable on
options nis.enable off

In order to write your changes to the /etc/rc file, you need to use this command.  This command overwrites the file with everything you enter at this point.

wrfile /etc/rc

As a side note, the IPs for your interfaces are stored in the /etc/hosts file.

Citrix XenServer Error: SR_BACKEND_FAILURE_65

I’ve been having issues attaching a VDI to a VM from a NetApp snapshot.  Basically a storage level snapshot that happen while the server was live.  I keep getting the error “The attempt to load the VDI failed” via XenCenter when I try and boot the VM.  I would then look at the log file: /var/log/xensource.log.  I would see that the VM was tossing out the error “SR_BACKEND_FAILURE_65” when it tried to boot.

I have been unable to get the VDI to load on any server.  I even contacted Citrix looking for help and they were unable to get the VDI to load as well.  I’ve seen several others on the internet run into this issue without a resolution.   If someone knows of a trick to get these VDIs to load, please leave a comment!

Hope this helps!