Sometimes you just can’t get a VM to shutdown, it maybe an issue with XenTools or sun spots. Here is a list of commands that will help you get that damn thing shutdown.
- Disable High Availability (HA) so you don’t run into issues
- Log into the Xenserver host that is running your VM with issues via ssh or console via XenCenter
- Run the following command to list VMs and their UUIDs
xe vm-list
- First you can try just the normal shutdown command with force
xe vm-shutdown uuid=<UUID from step 3> force=true
- If that just hangs, use CONTROL+C to kill it off and try to reset the power state. The force is required on this command
xe vm-reset-powerstate uuid=<UUID from step 3> force=true
- If the VM is still not shutdown, we may need to destroy the domain
- Run this command to get the domain id of the VM. It is the number in the first row of output
- Now run this command using the domain ID from the output of step 7
Before XenServer 7.x:
/opt/xensource/debug/xenops destroy_domain -domid <DOMID from step 7>
XenServer 7.x and greater:
xl destroy <DOMID from step 7>